I have 5 speed running workouts for all of you who are looking to change things up a bit and get faster!


  • Walk while working in some slow high knee movements for 1 minute.
  • Slow jog for 10-15 minutes.
  • Run ¼ of the track (or city block) at a slow pace.
  • Run the next ¼ of the track at an increasing pace.
  • Repeat this 2x around the track.
  • Jog slowly once around the track.
  • Start your speed workout.


Goal of this workout: Teaches you to run faster. Include these after your runs before you start a weekly speed training cycle to get your body prepped.

These will also teach you how to finish a race strong!

  1. Run your scheduled short run for the day.
  2. When finished with your run: Set your watch for 20 seconds.
  3. Start running while increasing your running speed in a 5-second count. Run for 20 seconds at your 1-mile race pace.


Goal: Improves your lactate threshold and ability to resist fatigue.                 

  1. Run at a slow jog for 15 minutes.
  2. Complete some light stretching (here are some examples of dynamic and static stretches you could do!)  for about 3-5 minutes focusing on the quads and hamstrings.
  3. Run for 20’ at 65-75% Vo2max or a pace that you could sustain for only 1 hour or your 10K goal pace. You don’t want to be able to carry on a conversation. Not sure what your Vo2max is?
  4. Cool down.


Goal: Gives you a break from traditional track speed workouts.                             

  1. Start running down one city block at a slow pace.
  2. Run the next city block at a faster pace. Repeat this 3x.
  3. Run at a hard pace (about 5 seconds faster than the goal pace) for one city block.
  4. Recover with a slow walk/jog down the next city block. Build up to 6-8 Sets.
  5. Cool down.


Goal for this hill workout: Improves your strength, power, and efficiency as a runner.                                                            

  1. Choose a hill with a slight to medium grade.
  2. Make sure you have warmed up!
  3. Run up the hill at a hard, almost “all-out” pace for 20 seconds.
  4. Jog slowly back down for a total rest of 2 minutes.
  5. Repeat for a total of 5x for beginners. Work up to 8-10 hill repeats.

Here is a great product that will help you. It’s called Anabolic Running, Click here to get it.

So, what is anabolic running and what are its benefits?

If you are anything like me, you want to maintain a healthy body weight. Therefore, you perform cardio workouts and interval training on a regular basis. You would also, no doubt, like to build muscle. Therefore, you may go through muscle-building exercises that drive up your lactic acid levels as well.

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Categories: Training Plans