1. Start walking small distances a 1 mile 15-20 average
  2. Start walking 1 mile a little faster than the first mile
  3. Increase your walking mile to 5k
  4. Then start to do it in a slow run.
  5. Start do 10k walk/ then run it
  6. Work up your weekly mileage to 10 mile

Here are more helpful tips:

How to run a mile without losing breath?

To run a mile without losing your breath you have to focus on building your running base first and also lower your speed. This will help you to keep running without being out of breath. Also, have a small snack around 60-90 mins before your run will keep you sufficiently fueled. This will help you to not lose your breath prematurely.

Also, if you are a beginner, do not focus on running the entire mile continuously on your first week. Gradually increase your distance and you will soon be able to run an entire mile without losing breath.

However, if you are still losing your breath while trying to run a mile, watch out for the below causes:

You are too fast – If you run too fast your body may get tired easily and you will be out of breath too soon. Instead, try to run in such a way that you will be able to talk comfortably. This way you will be able to run a mile without losing your breath.

You are trying to run a mile in one shot – This is a common problem for any beginner. You may be trying to run the entire distance continuously. However, if you are just starting you will not be able to run. You may not be having enough stamina. So, take a different approach. Use the above plan or any other walk/run method.

Your lung capacity may be less – Sometimes your breathlessness may not be related to a lack of stamina. It may be due to lesser lung capacity often related to smoking or asthma. In such a case, you will need to do some breathing exercises.

Your cardiovascular health may not be in good shape – This is impossible for you to know beforehand if you don’t get a thorough checkup. Before beginning any running plan, check with your physician. Take any kind of special physical examination that your doc may suggest. This will help you to eliminate any such health-related problems or get timely treatment.

You are dehydrated – Yes…water may not seem to serve any purpose other than quenching your thirst. However, if you are dehydrated then you may get tired too quickly. In general, try to take 3 liters of water every day.

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